Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Cleaning up around the garden and getting ready for a mini fruit orchard.




  1. Things are looking great and definitely very sunny. Nice big lot, looks like my back & side yard would fit in your veggie area.

    I'm thinking I should get my migration papers done and become your neighbor, the weather looks spectacular.

  2. You definitely have sun now! The orchard will look very nice there. I like the looks of your raised beds. I currently use borderless garden "strips" that are working pretty well, and that I can get into with my tiller. Do you garden completely no-till? I have used that with certain areas (usually heavily mulched places, like where I previously had potatoes), but till most of my strips before planting.

  3. Dan- It's been cold though....for Florida! 32 the last 2 nights. The weather guy on TV said it has been the coldest winter in Florida since 1993 (16 years).

    April- I till. I've read about the no-till and always start not tilling.........then I end up tilling! lol. It's just so much easier.

  4. It's all looking really good there CG. The extra sun will do your veggies the world of good and maybe a little less root competition for nutrients and water.

  5. WOW. That yard is terrific. Looks really nice. As much work as it is, it'll be worth it. Someday I will post photos of my teeny tiny citrus grove of 8 dwarf trees. They would love to have all the space that your trees will have!! Keep up the good work.

  6. Stew & Suburby- I still have some shade issues during the winter......but it's much improved. I just bought 2 apple trees today and I'm trying to figure out where to plant them. Pictures will follow.....

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  12. During this backyard so pleasant and more pleasant so finicky and more resourceful post shared we can be know that and used in this garden. There are very beautiful and interesting garden.,

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