Saturday, May 9, 2009

Question Of The Week-End.

Am I the only one who needs a watch on when I go out to the garden in the morning so I can track/time the sun on my plants?

It goes something like this.........

To myself....."Lets see it's 8:22 and my corn & back row tomatoes are getting nice sun........if it gets shady at 4:00....... that's............almost 8 hours of sun! Very nice.........Geesh, it's 8:45 and the dang squash still doesn't have any sun.........Dang it, I've got to plant them in a different spot next time..............OK it's 9:12 .......yada, yada, yada.

Am I the only one?


  1. I look at the position of the sun on the paving blocks on the patio. Almost up to the bird bath at mid day.

  2. I planted tomaters, peppers, and eggplant against a solid fence. I found myself pondering this very thing.

  3. Conservative Guy, Yes I do that too in the container garden area. There, the sun is blocked in the early hours by a high fence, and blocked in the late hours by the house. So the shadows shift as the sun's position changes. The main garden, in the ground, has a better angle and gets longer sun. What I worry about is spending too much time in the garden. I could stay there 12 hours a day, no problem. he he.

  4. I get loads of sun all spring & summer but I resort to sun tracking in the fall. As soon as the sun lowers the monster hedge shades the patch for almost 1/2 the day. It's a trade off between poor light in the fall or looking at the neighbors mess all year, oh life's decisions.

    Did those seeds show up yet?

  5. The frustrating thing in my yard is that the mature trees keep growing limbs and shade my veggie patch differently each year.

  6. No you are not the only one. Trial and error. With me, I can't remember unless I write it down.

  7. My garden has no shade at all. It is on top of a (currently windswept) hill, in what used to be a field. This works well, except that come July/August there is no respite for the plants that love a little cool shade. Plus it dries out very quickly. That means a lot of hose-hauling. In my dreams, we have installed a water line up to the garden which is at least 200 feet from the house. Hopefully this summer or next that will become a reality.

    Have fun in your garden. How are those tomatoes doing??? I thought of setting mine out today, but they would've been killed by the unbelievable wind we have right now.

  8. Hey Dennis, Checked the mail today and unfortunately the seeds I sent you came back. Not sure if the address on the seeds you sent me was not current? It has a yellow sticker on the envelope that says "not deliverable as addressed unable to forward". Let me know where you would like me to resend them.

  9. Earth to Dennis. :))))

    Where are you brother and what have you been doing? It seems like it has been raining here for days on end. Everything is turning beautiful shades of green! I forgot what it looked like! Day lilies are out of this world this year! VN8

  10. We figure Dennis has important stuff keeping him out of the blogosphere. Hopefully you'll come back soon and give us an update on the corn, peppers, ec.
    Suburban Gardener

  11. Where are you? Been a while since we've heard from you............ya'll okay?

  12. OK, do we need to call out the troops? Is there anything you need from your fellow bloggers? Send up a smoke signal or something so we can find ya! Praying for your safe return! Did you eat a bad tomato? VN8

  13. Hey Dennis... my tomatoes are setting lots of pretty little blossoms and I even have baby cherry tomatoes that will hopefully ripen soon. How's that FL weather?! We're loving the heat (80's) and humidity here. It almost feels like Florida in...hmmmmm... April???

    Looking forward to an update from your part of the world. Hope all is well!

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